This past weekend, about 20 civilians and 100 military attended an Immersion event hosted by the Genesee Country Village and Museum.
Set in a lovingly restored historic village containing 68 buildings and set on some 400 acres, it was the perfect setting for the event. Participants spent the weekend living in 3 of the historic homes and portraying the citizens of Mountain Cove, WV in 1861.
Some of my favorite moments from the event were seeing all the ladies package a care package for the soldiers and putting in the letters, baked goods, medicine, bags, food, and warm mittens and socks in. The other was Saturday evening's entertainment in the stenciled ballroom of Hosmer's Inn. The candle and firelight made the scene magical. I shall never forget the looks on the faces of the ladies and gentlemen as my husband recited Poe's The Tell-Tale Heart, nor the enthusiasm with which we danced as I scratched out a fiddle tune!
We did not expect to see much of the military that weekend, but we ended up seeing quite a bit of them! Some of the Confederate wounded were housed in the Inn and my house, full of Federal soldier's wives, was forced to put up ten Confederates Saturday night! They were civil and left rather early after keeping the fire going all night, but still, it was quite the invasion!
We had an active post service and money to pay for room and board at the Inn and boarding houses. There were plenty of things to do: make applesauce, cut down trees for rail-splitting, drip lye for soap, and sharpen tools. Each participant had their own individual goal to accomplish during the course of the weekend, I wonder how many got done?
If this event should occur again next year, please don't miss it! We hope to be able to use more buildings next year and have a real store to purchase things in!
My favorite, the Deluxe Kit!

This kit contains: scissors, a 6 inch ruler, 5 pages for needles, a pincushion with glass-headed pins, beeswax, locket containing hooks and buttons, thread winders with thread, thread ripper, a pencil and paper booklet for lists and notes, a tapes measure, chalk for marking, and two thimbles.
Medium sized kit:

This one is very small. It fits in my drinking cup! It is only as long as the first kit is wide. It contains: 4 pages for needles, a pocket for buttons and hooks, scissors, a thimble, thread wound around a fabric twist, chalk, a ball of string, a small pincushion in the shape of a strawberry, a measuring tape, and, since it’s for traveling, a fresh collar to keep the neckline of the dress clean. It’s tied with a wide silk ribbon that can double as an ornamental bow for a dress.
The Soldier’s Housewife:
The smallest one of all!

This one rolls right up to be very small indeed! The rolled section is a pincushion stuffed with wool. There are 3 pages for needles and a pocket for buttons, a thimble, and thread wound on winders. No scissors since a soldier would also carry a jack-knife.
For more information, check out her blog at Anna's Blog